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21st February 2021 International Language Days event will be organize at Malir


The first meeting of the newly elected cabinet of Syed Hashmi Reference Library was held on January 10, 2021 in the library complex, in which some decisions were made which are as follows:

  1. It is obligatory to submit the annual fee for the year 2021. If any member does not deposit the fee, the membership will be suspended.
  2. Those members who have not paid the fee or who are not yet members, can visit the library but they will not be allowed for study and research proposes or vice versa.
  3. The positions of many office bearers have been changed. Members can contact the consulted persons mentioned below to submit their annual fee:
  4. a) Shabbir Rakhshani: Awaran, Jaho, Mashkey and other nearby areas.
  5. b) Asim Zaheer and Dr. Sakhi Fazal: Quetta
  6. c) Naz Barakzai: Hub Balochistan
  7. d) Nawaz Fateh: Karachi Urdu Bazaar e) Nisar Badini: Nushki

Apart from them, they can also contact the cabinet members. For this purpose, Wajah Wahid Comrade and Banok Parveen Naz have been given the special responsibility of liaison. Beside them, the cabinet members and managing committee can contact the members.

As 21st February is the International Day for Mother Languages. On this day, an event will be organized in Siddique village, Malir. In the first part of the event, Language recognition will be discussed. In the 2nd part, the published book of Gulam Rasool Kalmati (Galganj) will be introduced and the experts will represent their point of views. In the 3rd part, a stage show will be presented and at the end of the event, musical session will be conducted.